klicka för att förstora. tro mig, det är värt det.
för mer stadsromantik och myller (från sydney) kolla in detta lilla underverk:
6:14pm Annahita
yo yo baby-o
6:14pm Nils
sitter på jobbet och trälar..har två pavor rött med våra namn på..
6:15pm Annahita
oj wow!
varför dä?
6:15pm Nils
6:16pm Annahita
haha ok, dum fråga. men jag menar, är det nån spechul ockashun eller bara för kul?
6:16pm Nils
for the fylla!
6:16pm Annahita
gotta love the fylla! the fylla, jerry! the fylla!
6:17pm Nils
tio i åtta ska du gå ner och köpa pizza!
and there's no two ways about it
6:17pm Annahita
åh. lindberg. jag älskar dig.
Ackelsberg, Martha: Professor of Government and Women's Studies, Smith College. This self-described "feminist/anarchist" wants the brave Jews living in Judea and Samaria [d.v.s. västbanken, som av den internationella domstolen i haag anses vara ockuperad mark] communities to get the hell out.noam chomsky, woody allen, roseanne barr och jason alexander är med på listan, och även den fantastiske alan rickman, eftersom att han:
Bach, Larry: This El Paso, Texas rabbi's heart bleeds for the so-called "Palestinians". So when the IDF demolishes an Arab home if one of its occupants detonated himself on an Israeli bus killing scores of Jews or if a tunnel carrying explosives from the Sinai just happens to lead to an Arab home, this chick and others of the "Rebuilding Homes" organization raises awareness and funds the rebuilding of those homes. Talk about the "Mercy of Fools!" What a shame he and others like him don't help rebuild the LIVES of the Jewish survivors of Arab terrorism!
Baltin, Mark R. (and his "significant other"): [bild på Baltin och hans hund] This New York University Professor of Linguistics signed a petition called "Open Letter from American Jews to Our Government," which among other things calls for Israel to pack up nearly a quarter-million Jews and move them out of the so-called "occupied territories" and also for an end of American aid to the embattled Israel unless and until she learns to follow orders. Since we're quite certain that the professor has never stepped foot inside Israel (he couldn't leave his mutt's genitalia alone for more than an afternoon!), we wouldn't expect him to have a clue as to the enormous suffering of his fellow Jews.
Cahn, Rita Karuna: This social worker from San Francisco, California, signed a one-sided petition for "U.S. Jewish Solidarity with Muslim and Arab Peoples of the Middle East"... which was nothing less than a full-fledged "mugging" of Israel!
Chemerinsky, Erwin: This left-leaning law professor is politically active in things like battling capital punishment and preventing action against illegal aliens. He is also mildly anti-Israel. He represented the nutty Corrie family when they sued Caterpillar for their idiotic daughter's suicide on behalf of terrorism, and he is a member in an anti-Zionist Jewish leftist organization (Jewish Progressive Alliance).
"co-wrote and directed a new play, My Name is Rachel Corrie, based on Rachel Corrie, the International Solidarity Movement 'useful idiot' who was killed in an encounter with an Israeli bulldozer. There is no doubt that this schmuck intended 'My Name Is Rachel Corrie' to be a pro-Palestinian equivalent of 'The Diary of Anne Frank'.